Is it possible to clearly communicate with a puppy?
It's very difficult for us to understand the language of dogs but we have a lot in common. We both use verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbal communication of humans takes the form of words, voice, tone, modulation, pauses. Dogs' verbal communication is much easier — the main element is barking.
When it comes to non-verbal communication, we both use body language and facial expressions. For example, when we are happy, we smile, jump and applaud. In their turn, dogs also can jump and wag their tails.
It's quite important to reduce misunderstandings between an owner and a puppy and try to understand the whole range of canine emotions. In other words, to be on the same page. Communication is the foundation of healthy relationships, living together in peace and harmony. These tips will help you to find a common language with your furry friend.
Avoid creating confusion
Control your tone. Puppies have an excellent skill to feel the mood of the owner by intonation. When speaking with a pup, use a calm voice and short clipped words. A high-pitched voice is great for getting your puppy excited and playful.
Use the same commands. Always use the same words when referring to commands. The puppy cannot recognize synonyms. So stay consistent with your words, otherwise, the pup won’t understand what you want from it.
Words after actions. When teaching your pup new commands, first try to guide them into a pose you need with a treat. And once the dog does whatever you want it to do, say the name of the command, praise the puppy, and give it a treat. This way, the dog with quicker learn the command and the name for it.

Ways of communication that will help you to be close and clear to your pup:
- A higher-pitched, slow and soothing voice can tell a little puppy that you are his friend but not a threat.
- When communicating with the fluffy bro, try to be at its level. This does not mean that you will also have to eat from the floor. No, it doesn’t. Crouch or kneel — this will make you more interesting to a puppy.
- If you need to approach your pup but it’s still scared of you, walk to it in a curve. Avoid walking or running toward the baby directly — it might scare your dog.
Lifehack: learning to laugh like a dog. Try breathing out harshly and rapidly like dogs do when they play — that’s how they laugh. If you do that, your pup most likely will start laughing, too!
At the beginning of your relationships, these tips will be very useful, especially for owners who have their first pup. Over time, you will establish strong and reliable communication with your puppy — just be observant. These are the basic rules but do not forget that all dogs are different and each of them is amazing in its own way.
All photos are from Unsplash