How to keep dogs warm outside
Many dogs spend a lot of time outside, whether in the backyard or on adventures. When temperatures dip, it's important to make sure your dog is warm enough. Learn how to keep dogs warm outside in this article.
How To Keep Dogs Warm Outside
If you keep your dog outside, he also needs to be able to stay warm in winter. If he is not used to the cold weather, it will take some time for him to adjust. We will show you how to keep dogs warm outside.
Just like his small body frame is unable to withstand extreme heat, he also cannot endure the cold temperatures. Dogs can adapt to living outdoors as long as they have a warm, dry place to sleep and access to unfrozen water at all times. You can make them comfortable with the right type of bedding, shelter, and clothing.
While some breeds, like huskies and malamutes, have long fur & thick skin and seem to enjoy cold weather, other dogs need a little extra help to stay warm.Â
Short-haired dogs can get cold easily since they do not have extra layers to help them retain body heat. Some small breeds get special attention because their size makes them more susceptible to temperature changes.Â
A word of caution, don’t ever let your puppy or puppies sleep outside in the cold (and much less a newborn!). They need constant warm and attention.
How To Keep Outside Dogs Warm In Winter
Before we start looking at some of the more practical ways to keep your dog warm in winter, let's look at a few natural considerations that are important to keep in mind for how to keep outside dogs warm in winter.
Coats and scarves are a must for dogs with short hair or any kind of skin condition. If you're cold, they're probably cold. We recommend our very own Airyvest, which is the lightest warm jacket for dogs in the market. It will keep them warm and let them move freely.
Your dog should not be sleeping outside in winter. Depending on where you live, this can be a health risk and even potentially fatal if the weather turns cold enough.
Often times dogs with thicker coats suffer from overheating in the summertime. This can cause them to pant more as well as lose excess water, which can lead to dehydration if not addressed properly.
Health risks such as frostbite, hypothermia, and potential death are all very real scenarios if you are not taking proper care of your dog outside in the winter. This is the most important part of how to keep outside dogs warm in winter.
How To Keep My Dog Warm Outside
‘How to keep my dog warm outside’ you ask? If you have a dog that stays outside, you should take some precautionary measures to ensure the animal does not suffer any health complications because of the cold weather.
Here are a few tips on how to keep dogs warm outside in the cold:
Make Sure Your Dog Has Shelter: If your dog spends most of his time outside in a fenced-in yard or another type of outdoor enclosure, there should be shelter available for him at all times. Be sure to provide a warm, clean and dry spot for your pet to rest. It's best if it's elevated from the ground and surrounded by a draft-free area.Â
A kennel filled with straw is an excellent choice for small dogs, but it's not recommended for large breeds because they hold heat poorly. Instead, use foam bedding or blankets that can be washed frequently.
If you live in a cold climate where snow is common, you must clear away any snow on top of your dog's doghouse so that he/she can get some warmth from the sun.Â
Watch their weight: Dogs burn more calories in the winter just to stay warm, so increase their food intake accordingly. But remember not to overfeed your pet to avoid unnecessary weight gain. If your dog is overweight, you may want to discuss a diet with your veterinarian before winter arrives.
Exercise them indoors: If possible, exercise your pet indoors during the winter months as opposed to outside. Dogs often don't realize how cold they are while they're running around having fun in the snow; they may even prefer cool temperatures over warmer ones. While indoor activities are ideal, if you must exercise them outdoors be sure to limit their time in extreme temperatures.
Put A Sweater on Your Do: Depending on your dog's breed and the temperatures, a sweater might be a good idea. Some dogs do better wearing a sweater when they're out in the cold than others. If you notice your dog shivering, it's probably best to put a sweater on her before she goes outside. Just remember that not all sweaters are created equal. Look for one that covers their belly and has leg holes (if necessary) so that they can still "do their business" without having to take the whole thing off each time.
Again, our Airyvest jacket is a great investment for them. They will be able to run comfortably while staying warm.
Read on to answer further the question ‘How to keep my dog warm outside?’
How To Keep Your Dog Warm In Winter Outside
During the winter months, it's important to take extra precautions to ensure that your outside dog is warm, dry, and has access to food and water. If you have a dog who lives primarily or even exclusively outdoors, he'll need your help to stay warm during the colder months. You need to learn how to keep your dog warm in winter outside.
Leaving your dog outside in cold weather can be dangerous, especially for short-haired, very young or old dogs, or dogs who are sick. Many cities have ordinances about leaving pets outside in extreme temperatures that may include fines or other repercussions if you don't bring them inside. If you can't bring your pet inside, use common sense and keep him warm.
A garage or shed where your dog can sleep can be better than a doghouse because it's already insulated and won't be as cold as outside. If you have access to an old couch or other furniture where your pet can fit inside, put it in there so they have somewhere cozy and warm to sleep on. Make sure there's plenty of fresh water available at all times and keep any antifreeze or other chemicals out of their reach to avoid poisoning.
For an extra-cozy den, provide your dog with some sort of heating device such as an electric blanket (one designed for pets) or an oil heater.
Most dogs can tolerate cold weather as long as they're protected from wind and rain. But they should be brought inside when temperatures dip below freezing — especially at night when it's most dangerous. Smaller dogs with short hair will get cold faster than larger dogs with thicker coats, but no dog should be left outside in sub-freezing weather for extended periods of time.
I hope this article helped you know how to keep your dog warm in winter outside.